The Road Home – Spiritual Transformation


Let me ask you this:

Who taught you to lie or steal?

How did you learn to blame others for what you had done?

Who taught you to hoard all the toys in your room?

Who taught you to chase after the toy that your friend was playing with because you deemed it was yours?

Chances are that no one taught you those things. Those things com from the dark part of our hearts. In theological terms. They call this theĀ  or the fallen state.

This all becomes evident when you look at children playing. No one taught them to grab all the blocks and keep them for themselves, and then, when another child comes along and takes one of those blocks, to forget about the ninety-nine they already have and go after the one block the other child has.

This is the kind of discontent we have in our lives and our society today. This self-centeredness is the root cause of our dis-ease with life and this it’s all about me attitude.

Fate is what happens to you destiny is what you do with it.

Perception is everything in life and will be the foundation for our future growth and will ultimately lead us along the road of recovery. Unless we apply our thinking along a more spiritual plane, we will always be stuck in the negative or dark side, the part where our ego has complete domain. That self-centeredness destroys any spiritual growth. We all have it; it is part of the human condition. Nothing external can fix an internal spiritual problem. Many people deal with these external problems with self-indulgence. The substance does not matter; alcohol, chocolate, cookies, heroin, shopping, etc. Recognizing some of the areas of your life where the dis-ease with life grows is a start on the pathway to peace and freedom from the bondage of self.

40 days of Spiritual Transformation

At this point, you already have had the chance to walk through the foundation for THE ROAD HOME, 40 days for Spiritual Transformation our series Faith, Hope, and Love. There I tried to guide you to understand and accepted the falls you already had in your life or even the falls others input in your journey. Now, it is time for you to take the next time and transform your life.

This book I wrote based on my own experience to recovery from an alcoholic dependence. This book is also about my journey from being a total un-believer to becoming a believer. This book, I share my stories, as well of those of others. I went thought, on a real level on how my perception of the who God really is changed.

I invite your not just to buy my book, not just to attend my live meetings. But, most importantly, reunite with our Father, God.

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